Sunday 20 March 2016

Contribute 1 ... you owe it to yourself & your classmates !

Contribute 1 ... you owe it to yourself & your classmates !

Annual class photographs are part of our nostalgia.

As time passes 'moments' become 'memory' and we eagerly look forward to seeing our annual class photos - which has all our classmates and class teacher. And when we locate one we wonder ... which year was it ..... which grade was it .... what was hi

s / her name ..... what was the name of the teacher .... etc.

Sadly, we mostly misplace these photos over time ..... common for almost all. It has happened with me as well as my school going children.

We miss the photos as we grow up and believe it would have been nice to have kept it properly through a lifetime.

In this backdrop, a new website was hosted in November, 2015 Its sole purpose is to “give life” to our annual class photographs and nothing else. It is free forever for all schools, students and teachers.

Here one and all can :
• upload 
• search 
• enlarge for view, download, share on facebook / tweeter
• tag names and tag facebook user names
annual class photographs only.

Upload and Search of each photo can be done schoolwise, yearwise, gradewise and sectionwise.
All this can be done for all current and past photographs (say, of 1947). All current students and those who were students decades back can avail of this opportunity.

Each photograph when it comes out as a search output has all details (as provided during the time of upload), including the name of the individual who has contributed it on the website.

In order to provide you an experience of what this is all about, Sample albums have been provided. You may click on the below link and immediately reach the Sample Album page on the website and experience the potential value of this endeavor. The album has photos of a school for 1975, 1976 and 1978.

It is easy to create a dedicated website for 'giving life' to annual class photos for one and all. But it is difficult to get the photos for uploading for the benefit of one and all.

Hence this drive ... A CALL TO CONTRIBUTE ... from current students and those who were students decades back ...

Contribute 1 annual class photo of any year : Explore nostalgia Free

Each one of you is requested to locate at least one of your class photos and send for upload. You can upload by :

* sharing the photo in the facebook group Contrinute 1
* click a photo of the photograph and Whatsapp it to 9820354672
* click a photo of the photograph and mail it to
* visiting the website and uploading yourself

Your contribution will bring a 'nostalgic smile' on your face and your classmates face.

So, go ahead and contribute ..... and be the creator of the 'nostalgic smile' ...... You owe it to yourself and Your classmates.

(In the first tow months of the website at least 1 photo of 1000+ schools from 20+countries has been uploaded. It is available for all to see at www, in.)


Definitely join the facebook group Contribute 1 and get regularly ‘Class photo for the day’

Thanking you in anticipation, for your contribution of 1 annual class photo!

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